Sunday, March 31, 2019

Kuttuipala[Streblusasper ]

This tree has en number  of uses, its mainly used in paper making in Thailand ,The Buddhist records in Thailand is known as KHOI  Books.The paper is Durable in High humidity Climate,iy does not burn easily and it’s a resistance to yellowing and insect Damage. its also called as tooth Brush Tree,it’s a Ethno medicinal Plant, its used as oral Hygiene plant in ThaiLand .This Particular Species is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY

Friday, March 29, 2019

Kurvi pazam [Grewia Hirsuta]

Is a Shrub like Small Tree with lance shaped Leaves, Mainly The Leaves and fruits are used in Ayurveda and siddha Medicines to cure cough & Heart Diseases. This This Particular Herb is Conserved and Propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY


Is a perennial Shrub, The Stems are yellow Green, The flowers are dark yellow ,it’s a weed in Africa, Mostly this species is used in Ayurveda Medicines in India. This Particular Herb is Conserved and Propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM  NURSERY  

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

kurukathi [hiptage benghalensis]

 It is a Evergreen perennial which produces fragrant flowers, it can be trimmed to form a shrub or a small tree.The bark, leaves and flowers are aromatic, They are useful in burning sensation ,wounds, ulcer & Asthma. This Particular Species is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY.

Kuppai Meni[Acalypha Indica]

Is a herbal plant, mainly used in Sidha Medicines ,venomous insect bite can be cured by using the leaves paste with turmeric powder.The regular use of kuppai meni powder will keep the face fresh and soft, The leaf paste can be applied for wounded dogs .This particular species is conserved and propagated in Eco Herbs Sugandhavanam Nursery.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Kungumam[Mallotus Philippensis]

This a Bushy Tree which grows up to 25Meters tall, The tree is widely used for its timber value, According to Ayurveda, leaves are bitter, cooling and appetizer. Fruit is heating, Purgative, anthelmintic, vulnerary, detergent, maturant, carminative, alexiteric and useful in treatment of bronchitis, abdominal diseases, spleen enlargement etc.This particular species is conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY.

Kumil[Gmelina asiatica]

 It’s one of the fast growing deciduous tree ,close to the teak family, with good timber value,The fruits and roots are used in Ayurvedic Medicines. This particular Tree species is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Krishna Aal[Benghalensis.var.Krishnae]

It’s a fig tree Praised by Lord Krishna, A fast growing Ever Green Tree, with spreading Branches and Many Aerial is said that 1000 people can sit in the shade of the tree at one time .it grows more than 22 meters tall and lives for many years. This particular species is Conserved and Propagated In ECOHERBS SUGANDHA VANAM Nursery

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Kugamathi or neykottan [Lepisanthes Tetraphylla]

Is a Forest tree and a under storey shrub which grows up to 15mts tall, flowers are up to 1cm Dia Meter, fruits are up to 3.5cm Dia meter. The leaves and stems are used in the treatment of coughs. This particular Herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Kundri mani[Abrus precatorious]

It is a Herbaceous flowering plant ,hard perennial Climber,the plant is known for its seeds ,which is used as beads and in percussion instruments. Most of the beans are black and red, its much valued in native jewellery ,This particular species conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS Sugandhavanam Nursery

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Kudhirai Pidukkan [Sterculia foetida L. Pinaari]

This particular Tree Species can grow up to 32 mts tall. This is also compared to sunflower and soya been ,This  tree has a rich values of medicinal properties,Mainly used as insect repellents.This particular species is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHA VANAM NURSERY

Kudhirai Kulambu[Pomoea pes caprae]

Also called as goats foot, rail road wine, and it’s a Sandy stabilizer ,its one of the most salt tolerant plant, This an  evergreen perennial with large thick root, it’s a fast growing species and thrives in some of the worst soil conditions ,Leaves are pluicked and cooked and consumed as vegetables, The leaves can be boiled and used as a  medical tea for chicken pox treatment, This Particular Species is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS,SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY    

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

KRAMBOO[Syzygium aromaticum.]

 It’s a ever green tree grows up to 20mts tall, Mainly its cultivated in Tropical zones ,essential oils are derived from the un opened flowers of this tree ,This essential oil is applied for toothache, head ache and stomach upsets ,it has lot many medicinal values. This particular Herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Morning Glory[calystegia sepium]

This is a perennial Shrub with pink white flowers Long-tongued bees are the primary pollinators of the flowers, including bumblebees, little carpenter bees , these insects obtain primarily nectar from the flowers. Several species of tortoise beetles feed on the foliage of Hedge Bindweed and similar species in the Bindweed family.This particular Species is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY

Koshtam:[Saussurea Lappa ]

It’s a strong perennial Shrub, This particular herb need Humid and cool climate ,This is a effective remedy of Chronic Ulcers, headache  and in  digestive problems.This Particular Species is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHA VANAM NURSERY

scaevola glabra

is a shrub climber with yellow flowers.its a butter fly hosting plant which is conserved and Propagated in Eco Herbs Sugandha vanam Nursery

Koran [ ixora undulata]
It’s a large shrub with big leaves and persistent fruit .flowering and fruiting is in April&june ,habitat in Ever green forests, as an astringent and to treat dysentery and tuberculosis.This particular species is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Konji[Glycosmis pentaphylla]

It’s a small tree ,its mainly used to treat jaundice,cough and amny. more applications in ayurvedha and in Sidha.This particular Herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHA VANAM NURSERY .

Friday, March 15, 2019

KodiKalli [Euphorbia tricauli]

Is a Evergreen shrub and a drought tolerant plant ,with a rich Bio fuel source, selectively inhibits human gastric cancer cell growth through the induction of ERK1/2-mediated apoptosis.This particular Herb is Consevered and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY

KAKAIKOLLI[Anamirta cocculus (L.)]

This is a Large creeper species with is mainly used in Ayurveda and in siddha Medicines .This Particular Herb is Conserved and propagated in ECOHERBS SUGANDHA VANAM NURSERY

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Kayamboos[Memecylon malabaricum]

This is a tree which grows up to 15mts Height, with purple blue flowers ,This endemic tree is grown in moist deciduous Ever green forests of western ghats in south india . The extract of young leaves is given in indigestion and stomach-ache. The ground paste of leaves applied to herpes wounds.This ParticularSpecies is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHA VANAM NURSERY

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Katu vizal[ MAESA INDICA]

It’s a large  ever green shrub :Native of the lower Himalayas, India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia, is used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. The present study revealed that the fruit extracts of M. indica showed significant nutritional, radical scavenging, antioxidant and anti-diabetic properties. This Particular Herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM,NURSERY

Sunday, March 10, 2019


Is a holy plant with high medicinal values,The herb has known antibacterial, anti fungal, and antiviral properties. The essential oils and leaves are used in flavoring in foods, in chewing gums, sweets, teas, soft drinks, energy drinks, milk products, cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, shower gels, body lotions, and toothpastes. It works as a great mosquito repellent to prevent malaria and dengue fever.This Particular Herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM,NURSERY .


Creeper Bamboo(DYNSHLOA ANDAMANICA)@ AgriNest organic farm visits,this particular species is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY 

Kilukki plant.[Crotalaria juncea]

it's a Butterfly hosting plant in our Eco Herbs Nursery.lot many Butterflies are attracted to this plant.This particular species is conserved and propagated in our AgriNest farm visits.


It grows in warm temperatures in wet or moderate conditions. It is not suited to high elevations, cool areas, or very dry conditions.It’s a plant which contributes for soil stabilization and to control soil erosion. It is amenable for agroforestry. its kernel yields 50-70% oil which is directly being used as fuel in diesel engines without undergoing the trans-esterification process. Transesterified oil can also be used as biodiesel. Seed oil also called as Tamanu oil has medicinal uses in treating skin diseases This Particular Herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY .

Saturday, March 9, 2019

KaatuKarivepilai[Murraya exotica]

A tropical Ever Green Plant bearing small, white, scented flowers, which is grown as an ornamental tree or hedge. The plant flowers throughout the attracts bees.The fruits are eaten by birds, who then pass the seeds out. This particular plant extract is used mainly in tooth Treatment .This Particular Herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Kasthuri Vendai[Abelmoschus moschatus]

Is a Aromatic and medicinal plant ,the seeds have sweert,flowery with heavy fragrance ,Different parts of the plant is used in Ayurvedha Medicine .This particular herb is conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Kasaan[Memecylon umbellatum]

It’s a small Tree variety, or a large shrub with bright blue flowers which is amazing,This tee is not only beautiful its a hard timber which is used to built houses and boats .This leaves are used to treat gonorrhea.This particular Herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY


This herb is a Sacred plant with lot many medicinal values,grown as a pot plant in Hindu house and worshiped for years.A variety wth Green Leaves is called as Shri Thulasi .This particular herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY

Monday, March 4, 2019

Karungottai[Quassia Indica]

It’s a Shrub and a ever green Tree The tree is considered to have medicinal properties in Ayurved. The bark and wood are stomachic, emmenagogue, febrifuge tonic. The leaves are useful in erysipelas and pruritus. The seed oil is astringent, acrid, thermogenic, depurative, emetic, purgative and febrifuge. It is useful in vitiated conditions of vata kapha, leprosy, scabies, pruritus, skin diseases, constipation and bilious fever.This articular herb is Conserved and propagated in Sugandha vanam Nursery .

Karunannari[Ichnocarpus frutescens]

 It is a woody SHRUB with lianas sprawling to 10 meters in maximum length and 6 centimeters in diameter. The bark produces a creamy white sap. The leaves are up to 11 centimeters long by 4.5 wide. The inflorescence is a head of several flowers. Each flower has a calyx of densely hairy sepals and a five lobed corolla just under a centimeter long. The fruit is a follicle which may be over 14 centimeters long. The roots may be reddish or purple. The plant is sold in markets in some areas in India The plant has a large number of traditional medicinal uses, including treatment for rheumatism, asthma, cholera, and fever.This particular herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Chamber of Commerce ,Nepal

Shri Rajesh Shreshtha ,President ,Chamber of Commerce industry Nepal& Counselor of Consulate General of Vietnam

Karunannari[Ichnocarpus frutescens]

It is a woody SHRUB  with lianas sprawling to 10 meters in maximum length and 6 centimeters in diameter. The bark produces a creamy white sap. The leaves are up to 11 centimeters long by 4.5 wide. The inflorescence is a head of several flowers. Each flower has a calyx of densely hairy sepals and a five lobed corolla just under a centimeter long. The fruit is a follicle which may be over 14 centimeters long. The roots may be reddish or purple. The plant is sold in markets in some areas in India The plant has a large number of traditional medicinal uses, including treatment for rheumatism, asthma, cholera, and fever.This particular herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY 

Friday, March 1, 2019

Karumpoola[ Phyllanthus reticulatus ]

Sivapoola or kattu keela nelli in Tamil ,it’s a much branched and climbing Shrub,The flowering shoots and pedicles are covered in short velvety hairs. The leaves and roots are used as medicine for fractures traumatic injury .This Particular Herb is Conserved and propagated in ECO HERBS SUGANDHAVANAM NURSERY